Dengue: a traveled disease?

    The Philippines is facing a surge of problem against dengue which transmit viruses and spread diseases that lead to—death. Increased rainfall is often blamed and suspected reason that the number of infection rises. However, is it only because of the rainy season?

     Even with the onset of summer, dengue cases are inevitable. A total of 481 dead and 116,790 dengue cases were reported in Regions III, MIMAROPA, CALABARZON, VI, VII, VIII, X, XII, and CAR, and CARAGA from January 1 to August 3, 2019. The number of deaths increased by 40% while the number of cases increased by 10,546.

     With dengue fever now documented in different regions, the pressure on pharmaceutical companies to keep developing a vaccine against it may rise as well. However, will it be successful to cure the disease?

     We’ve been dealing and fighting with dengue for so long, to the point that it now seems an ordinary situation to some, well in fact, it’s not.

     World Health Organization (WHO), in a fact sheet, pointed out that apart from rainfall, unplanned rapid urbanization puts communities at greater risk of dengue fever. The risk is higher in urban communities than in rural ones.

     In urban communities, as the resident increases, the probability of larvae that will turn out to be carrying dengue may also rise due to breeding spots in which mosquitoes can reproduce. Despite the scandal that erupted over the use of ‘Dengvaxia’ in the Philippines, health professionals are still recommending the vaccine for those with a history of dengue.

     As the line says, “prevention is better than cure”. This is still the best choice and I objectify that prevention should be a priority. It’s way better than depending on pharmaceutical medicines that have a possibility that a person could still suffer, or worse, could die.

     People are great demanders and thirsty of prevention but has no feet and arms to do so. Indeed, dengue kills. If we begin to unite and assure cleanliness in our surrounding, then, we could prevent dengue. Hence, think how effectively we can resist a virus by being cautious and by maintaining a clean environment.

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